Author: codenbox

Defect Severity Definitions

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To define the various defect priority/severity options in Jira Critical Major loss of system function or defect results in testing coming to a halt and no acceptable work around exists This is a show stopper/blocker defect and the…

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Defect Reporting Template

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The template below must be used for all QA bug reports in order to capture all of the required information for resolution and to avoid delays with investigations. Issue Description <Summary of what the issue is> Steps To…

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Defect Management

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Cypress commands: Cheat Sheet

Cypress automation can be simple if you know the most of it’s commands as 90% of your script can be done base on Cypress commands. Let’s have a quick look the most useful commands in Cypress: /// <reference…

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Multiple Cucumber HTML reporter in Cypress

It is very important to have a report on our test automation project. A good report allows us to evaluate the current status of the project and the overall quality of the product. Now a days Cypress allow…

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How to integrate Cucumber-BDD framework in Cypress??

Install the plugin by running: npm install –save-dev cypress-cucumber-preprocessor Cypress Configuration Add it to your plugins: Go to & update at  cypress/plugins/index.js const cucumber = require(‘cypress-cucumber-preprocessor’).default module.exports = (on, config) => { on(‘file:preprocessor’, cucumber()) } Add support for…

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How to work with Dynamic Element in Cypress?

Some web-elements are dynamically generated as a result of a previous action. For example, selecting a check-box in a web-form might populate the UI with another panel or field. Often these elements similarly have a dynamically generated Class…

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QA best Practices in Agile world!

We all know Testing is vital for quality assurance, and best practices in software testing can yield high-end software at the end. Here are some best practices for software QA in the Agile world: Once requirements have been…

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What does Quality mean?

Software testing is more than just a stage in the development process. Testing is a philosophy that should embrace the entire application management life cycle.  In order to achieve high quality for our products, we have to define…

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Test Case Standard

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 Each test case should include the following: Test Case ID Prerequisites Platform (device) , environment Module Name Test Title Description Test steps Test Designed by/date Test Executed by/date Test Priority Test Data (if any) Status

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