Home » Automation Testing

Waits in Selenium automation

When we automate the test, there are two components such as the software application (web element) that is to be tested and the test automation tool (web driver)that is used for executing the test. Both these components will…

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BDD Framework in Cypress

BDD in Cypress

What is BDD? This is a development method which has evolved from the Test-driven development process. Behavior Driven development is mostly about technical insight and business knowledge. Why use BDD Framework? Before the BDD framework, everyone was using…

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Selenium-Java Cheat Sheet

Driver Initialization Chrome WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); Firefox WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); Edge WebDriver driver = new EdgeDriver(); Safari WebDriver driver = new SafariDriver(); Locating Elements By ID: driver.findElement(By.id (<element ID>)) By Name: driver.findElement(By.name(<element name>)) By…

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How to delete previous downloaded files in Cypress

To delete previous downloaded files in Cypress, you can use the fs (file system) module to delete the files before each test run. First, you will need to install the fs module by running the following command in…

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What is QAOps? Process to implement QAOps


According to traditional, waterfall-style methodologies, where testing is often done at the end of the development process what leads to significant bottlenecks that can drip down the project quality and then release. That’s precisely where QAOps comes into…

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The Future of Software Testing !

the future of software testing

Software testing is an important part of the software development process, as it helps ensure that software is of high quality and meets the needs of its users. In the future, we can expect to see a number…

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What is Mobile Gestures

Mobile gestures are actions that can be performed on a touchscreen device, such as a smartphone or tablet, using one or more fingers. These gestures can be used to perform various tasks, such as scrolling, swiping, zooming, and…

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Appium Mobile Automation setup (Android)

Appium Setup

1. Download Java and set Java_Home in environmental variables 2. Download Android STUDIO from this link: https://developer.android.com/studio#downloads .exe file comes with 2 files as SDK and STUDIO  3. Check Android installation path in Machine: Go to C\Users\ System…

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Unit Test: What is, Advantages & How works?

Unit Test

What is Unit Testing? UNIT TESTING is a type of software testing where individual units or components of a software are tested. The purpose is to validate that each unit of the software code performs as expected. Unit Testing…

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Generate Cypress MochAwesome Reporter

MochAwesome Reporter

    Cypress compatibility: node >= 14Cypress >= 6.7.0 Setup: or or command line import ‘cypress-mochawesome-reporter/register’; const { defineConfig } = require(‘cypress’); module.exports = defineConfig({ reporter: ‘cypress-mochawesome-reporter’, reporterOptions: { charts: true, reportPageTitle: ‘custom-title’, embeddedScreenshots: true, inlineAssets: true, saveAllAttempts: false,…

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