Home » Automation Testing
Why logging statement is crucial for Selenium Automation Project?

Log4j2 is a popular logging library for Java that helps capture and manage application logs. Here’s why logging is crucial for Selenium automation projects: 1. Debugging: When tests fail, logs provide a detailed trail of what happened before,…
Read More »Top 10 Selenium Framework Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is a Test Automation Framework and why do we need it? A Test Automation Framework is a set of guidelines, practices, and tools that create a reusable test automation architecture. We need frameworks because they: 2….
Read More »Appium Mobile Automation Setup on MacOS

To set up Appium for mobile automation on a Mac, follow the below steps: 1. Install Homebrew (if not already installed): Homebrew simplifies the installation of software packages on macOS. 2. Install Node.js and NPM: Appium requires Node.js…
Read More »Selenium WebDriver 3 vs 4: Core Architecture Differences!

Selenium 3 Architecture: Selenium 3 Architecture is made up of four major components: Let’s elaborate on the process, In Selenium 3 Client Library connects with Browser Drivers and Browsers using the JSON Wire Protocol (JSON means JavaScript Object…
Read More »Waits in Selenium automation
When we automate the test, there are two components such as the software application (web element) that is to be tested and the test automation tool (web driver)that is used for executing the test. Both these components will…
Read More »BDD Framework in Cypress

What is BDD? This is a development method which has evolved from the Test-driven development process. Behavior Driven development is mostly about technical insight and business knowledge. Why use BDD Framework? Before the BDD framework, everyone was using…
Read More »Selenium-Java Cheat Sheet

Driver Initialization Chrome WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); Firefox WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); Edge WebDriver driver = new EdgeDriver(); Safari WebDriver driver = new SafariDriver(); Locating Elements By ID: driver.findElement(By.id (<element ID>)) By Name: driver.findElement(By.name(<element name>)) By…
Read More »How to delete previous downloaded files in Cypress

To delete previous downloaded files in Cypress, you can use the fs (file system) module to delete the files before each test run. First, you will need to install the fs module by running the following command in…
Read More »What is QAOps? Process to implement QAOps

According to traditional, waterfall-style methodologies, where testing is often done at the end of the development process what leads to significant bottlenecks that can drip down the project quality and then release. That’s precisely where QAOps comes into…
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