Author: codenbox

Test Estimation techniques: Every QA should know

Test Estimation is a management activity which approximates how long a Task would take to complete. Estimating effort for the test is one of the major and important tasks in Test Management. What can be estimated? Basically, everything that can be quantified, like money,…

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Unit Test: What is, Advantages & How works?

Unit Test

What is Unit Testing? UNIT TESTING is a type of software testing where individual units or components of a software are tested. The purpose is to validate that each unit of the software code performs as expected. Unit Testing…

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Generate Cypress MochAwesome Reporter

MochAwesome Reporter

    Cypress compatibility: node >= 14Cypress >= 6.7.0 Setup: or or command line import ‘cypress-mochawesome-reporter/register’; const { defineConfig } = require(‘cypress’); module.exports = defineConfig({ reporter: ‘cypress-mochawesome-reporter’, reporterOptions: { charts: true, reportPageTitle: ‘custom-title’, embeddedScreenshots: true, inlineAssets: true, saveAllAttempts: false,…

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Differences between Selenium 3 Vs. Selenium 4

Se3 vs Se4

In this article, I will compare the architecture for Selenium 3 vs Selenium 4, then highlight a few Selenium 4 advantages. I will also discuss the new features in Selenium 4 that have been applied to Selenium IDE, Selenium…

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Cypress Studio and it’s usage?

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Problem Statement We don’t have any way in cypress where we can create test cases without writing any code and it was a bit tough to understand the various actions /commands in cypress, especially for new users. Solution…

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API interview questions

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Rest API Response Codes

Here are some sample Response Codes which we will normally see while performing REST API testing through any REST API client. #1) 100 SeriesThese are temporary informational Responses 100 -Continue 101 -Switching Protocols 102 -Processing #2) 200 SeriesThe…

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Test plan Template

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Project Info: Project Info Product Owner QA Prime Release Peer Review and Sign-Offs Peer Reviewer Name Role Date Sign-Off QA Team Lead Sign-Off Product Owner Sign-Off QA Peer Sign-Off Developer Sign-Off Developer Sign-Off Project Overview Refer to release…

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Key Types of Testing

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High level definition of the various types of testing that will be executed by QA depending on project needs or requirements Functional Testing – to verify that a software application performs and functions correctly according to design specifications.  Include…

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Defect Severity Definitions

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To define the various defect priority/severity options in Jira Critical Major loss of system function or defect results in testing coming to a halt and no acceptable work around exists This is a show stopper/blocker defect and the…

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